所以就把「開 TradeStation 國外交易帳戶」的想法轉為實際行動了。
就跟日盛的 HTS 一樣,登入後就會自動的幫你把資料從 Server 端抓回來。真是太美好了。
首先就是要求開戶資料,直接在線上填寫開戶申請書是沒用的,所以就直接用 Email 跟 TradeStation 的 sales 要求開戶資料吧。
上面是 TradeStation contact 的網頁,我是直接寄信到 sales 那欄的 active trader 有個線上直接留言的功能。
內容我大概寫了:Hi, I want to a trading account, I live in Taiwan and heard that online registration doesn't work. Can you do me a favor? Thanks.
Thank you for your interest in TradeStation Securities.
Before I can assist you, our Compliance Department requires that all International Clients must first complete the following questionnaire.
After you complete the questionnaire I can then assist you in the account opening process.
Please answer the following and email back to me.
1) What is your country of citizenship?
2) What is your country of permanent residency?
3) Do you spend long periods of time in the U.S.? If so, about how long?
4) How did you hear about our brokerage services?
5) Do you have any trading accounts in the U.S.? If so, at which brokerage firms?
6) What do you trade? Stocks, futures, forex, options?
7) If you were to open an account how much would you be transferring to us and where would you be transferring it from?
8) Please send me your name, full mailing address and phone number so we can enter your information into our database.
9) If your physical address (where you live) is different form your mailing address, please send that information also.
10) What account type are you interested in opening? (Individiual, Corporate, Etc…)
Contact me with any questions you have remaining.
我想這封回信應該是很制式的格式,會問到的問題應該都會一樣,據我破破的英文了解程度,再加上 Google 大神的幫忙,這些問題簡化解釋為:
1. 你是哪國人
2. 目前的永久居留權國家
(以上我都寫上了 Taiwan R.O.C.)
3. 有沒有到過美國,有的話多長時間?
(簡單的回了 No, 我最遠只去到香港…)
4. 你從哪邊知道 TS 有經紀業務的?
5. 有沒有任何在美國的交易帳戶?有的話是哪家?
6. 你交易什麼商品?
7. (不太了解的問題…似乎是問要轉多少錢並從哪轉)
8. 姓名、郵寄地址、電話
9. 居住地址(也許是要寫戶籍地址吧)
10. 想要開啟的交易帳號種類
(寫上 individual 吧…個人帳戶,原始 mail 竟然也打錯字啦…讓我覺得這似乎又不是制式回覆的格式了。)
回覆刪除不懂 政治文 是什麼意思啊 ???